

Article I                 Meetings of the Congregation


Section 1.

At or shortly following, the beginning of each quarter of the calendar year a regular meeting of the congregation's voters shall be held. Normally, this shall be the third Sunday of the month.


Section 2.

The church council shall set the exact date, time and place of the meetings, unless otherwise specified by the congregation. Announcements of the meetings shall be given in print and/or orally on two consecutive worship dates prior to the time of the meeting.  


Section 3.

Special meetings of the congregation may be called by the church council, or the pastor, or upon written request of three voting members. Announcements of special meetings shall be given in print on two consecutive worship dates prior to the time of the meeting with the purpose(s) clearly stated.


Section 4.

The order of business for the regular meetings may be as follows:

A.      Opening with a devotion

B.       Reception of new members; transfer, release or removal from membership

C.       Reading and approval of minutes of the previous regular and any intervening special meetings

D.      Ministry reports and recommendations (outreach, adult spiritual growth, etc.)

E.       School Board’s Report.

F.       Financial Secretary’s Report

G.       Treasurer’s Report.

H.      Reports From Committees of the Voting Membership.

I.         Reports of Administrative Boards.

J.        Unfinished business

K.      Recommendations of the church council and new business

L.       Elections

M.     Adjournment with prayer


The president may, with the consent of the Voting membership, vary the order of business in the interests of efficiency.


Section 5.

The meetings shall be conducted according to good, Christian order. Robert's Rules of Order may be followed for parliamentary procedure.


Section 6.

No one shall bring to any meeting a charge or complaint against any member or against a pastor, a teacher, or a staff minister unless he has first admonished him in a Christian manner in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20.


Section 7.

Only voting members present at the meeting shall have the right to vote.


Section 8.

Voting membership shall be restricted to male communicant members who have reached the age of 18.


Section 9.

Voting members shall sign, thereby indicating their acceptance, the official copy of the Constitution and Bylaws at the meeting of the congregation in which they were received or as soon thereafter as possible.

Article II               Quorum


The voting members present at a properly announced meeting of the congregation shall constitute a quorum.



Article III              The Church Council and Boards


Section 1. Officers of the Congregation

1.1   The voters' assembly shall elect by ballot at its October meeting, specified in the Bylaws, Article I, a church council composed of:

·         President

·         Recording Secretary

·         Treasurer

·         Financial Secretary

·         Chairman of the Board of Elders

·         Chairman of the Board of Evangelism

·         Chairman of the Board of Christian Education

·         Chairman of the School Board

·         Chairman of the Board of Trustees

·         Chairman of the Board of Stewardship

·         Chairman of the Board of Youth Work

·         Chairman of the Board of Public Relations

·         Chairman of the Board of Fellowship


Section 2. Term of Office

2.1   The term of office for each elected officer shall be three years. No officer shall serve more than two consecutive full terms. He shall again be eligible for election one year after the expiration of his second full term of office.


2.2   Except for the treasurer, all newly elected members of the church council will begin their term of office on January 1st with the financial secretary having until January 31st to complete his reports. In the case of the treasurer, his term of office will begin on July 1st. He will have until July 31st to complete his reports. All new officers shall attend the December church council meeting.


2.3   The term of one third of the church officers shall expire each year, such expired terms to be filled by election at the October meeting of the voters' assembly. Each officer shall serve until his successor is installed. The church officers shall be elected as follows:


First Year:                                                                                                              Second Year:

President                                                                                                               Recording Secretary

Financial Secretary                                                                                              Chairman of the School Board

Chairman of the Board of Christian Education                                                Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Chairman of the Board of Evangelism                                                              Chairman of the Board of Public Relations

                                                                                                                                Chairman of the Board of Fellowship

Third Year:


Chairman of the Board of Elders

Chairman of the Board of Stewardship
Chairman of the Board of Youth Work

2.4.   The Pastor shall be an ex-officio member of the church council. The principal of the school and any staff minister shall be advisory members of the church council.


Section 3. Relationships

The church council shall be responsible and accountable to the voters' assembly, and the boards shall be responsible and accountable to the church council.


Section 4. Installation

The newly elected officers shall be installed into office normally on the second Sunday of January and shall thus be presented to the congregation. 


Section 5. Responsibilities

5.1   The church officers shall adorn their high office with an honest way of life and be good examples to the congregation (1 Timothy 3:8-12). They shall be responsible for the spiritual and material affairs of the congregation under the guidance of the pastor. They shall be accountable for good order in the services. They shall particularly care in love for their fellow members who have special needs (Galatians 6:9-10).


5.2 The members of the church council shall consult together concerning the total spiritual and physical well being of the congregation, giving due attention also to the work of the Lord in the church-at-large. They shall implement resolutions of the voters' assembly and carry out such assignments as are directed to them by the voters' assembly. They shall recommend to the voters' assembly the annual budget of the congregation. They shall control the corporate property of the congregation according to the direction given by the voters' assembly. The church council is hereby empowered to borrow money, pledge the assets of the congregation, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the real and personal property of the congregation all at the direction of the voters' assembly. It shall also have the right to acquire property by any legal means as directed by the voters' assembly. The president and the recording secretary shall sign all documents of the congregation. In their absence, the treasurer and/or the chairman of the Board of Trustees may sign documents.


Section 6. Meetings

The church council shall meet regularly, normally the second Monday of each month. The pastor or the president may call special meetings. The church council shall never convene to transact business without the knowledge of the pastor. The church council members present shall constitute a quorum.


Section 7. Vacancies

In the event of a vacancy on the church council, the church council shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy. This appointment by the church council shall be presented for approval at the next voters’ assembly. The voters shall normally install the new council member on the Sunday following approval.



Article IV              Duties of Officers, Boards, and Committees


Section 1. General Regulations

A.      Each board and committee chairman is to meet with his respective board or committee as often as he deems necessary. He shall remind his board or committee members by telephone or other means at least one day in advance of the meeting.

B.       Each chairman shall consult with pastor before the meeting for agenda suggestions. He shall also give a brief report of the meetings to the pastor.

C.       Each chairman shall report to the voters’ assembly and church council periodically. Motions or recommendations to the above bodies should be clearly worded and prepared in written form.

D.      Each chairman shall see to it that all resolutions and projects effected by the voters’ assembly, church council, or his own board is carried out by the designated time.

E.       A record of each board or committee meeting will be prepared for inclusion in the official minutes of the voters’ or church council meetings.

F.       Board members and committee members must be qualified voters of the congregation.

G.       Each board will be responsible for the line items and the setting of reasonable limits of those items in its budget. Only items listed under a specific board shall be considered valid and viable. If a board’s budget is exceeded, the responsible chairman will request approval from the church council for an additional amount for the balance of the year.

H.      Non budgeted items, excluding emergency repairs, shall be recommended by council for the voter’s approval at the next voting assembly meeting. Church council shall decide whether or not the non-budget item requires voter approval pursuant with their authority to act on matters on the behalf of the congregation.

I.         The following nine Boards: Elders, Trustees, Christian Education, School, Evangelism, Stewardship, Youth Work, Fellowship and Public Relations, shall prepare and submit an annual budget request in the form and at the time requested by the Board of Stewardship.


Section 2. President

The responsibilities of the president shall be as follows:

A.       The president shall preside as chairman of all business sessions of the congregation and church council and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him.

B.        He shall have general supervision of the affairs of the congregation and conduct all its business affairs according to established good order.

C.        He shall have the authority to sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the congregation. In his absence, the treasurer or the Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall have such signature authority.

D.       He shall appoint a committee as necessary, but no less than annually, to review the congregation’s financial records and such committee will submit a report of its findings to the voters assembly

E.        In the absence of the president, the Chairman of the Board of Elders shall assume his duties.

F.        The president is an ex officio member of all boards and committees.


Section 3. Recording Secretary

The responsibilities of the recording secretary shall be as follows:

A.      The recording secretary shall record accurately the proceedings of all meetings of the congregation and the church council and post a copy on the bulletin board.

B.       He shall be responsible for the legal records of the congregation.

C.       He shall have the authority to sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the congregation and assist in the orderly conduct of its business affairs according to established good order. In his absence, the treasurer or the Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall have such signature authority.

D.      He shall also perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the congregation.


Section 4. Treasurer

The responsibilities of the treasurer shall be as follows:

A.      The treasurer shall receive from the financial secretary a weekly report no later than Monday, of all monies received and credit the same to the proper accounts.

B.        He shall make disbursements according to instructions from the church council as directed by the congregation. He shall not be permitted to pay bills in excess of the budgeted items.  All bills will have a voucher attached with the following fields completed: individual’s name or company’s name to be paid, the account number where the moneys are to be taken from, the amount of the bill, a brief description of the bill and the appropriate board chairman’s signature before the bills are paid.

C.       He shall make a monthly report to the church council, quarterly financial reports to the voters' assembly and special reports whenever the council shall so request. 

D.      He shall maintain an accurate permanent record of both the receipts and disbursements of the congregation.

E.       He shall submit his records for review at any time a committee has been established to review such records or at any time the voters' assembly so desires.

F.       In the absence of the president or the recording secretary, he shall have the authority to sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the congregation

G.       In the event the treasurer is unable to carry out his duties, the president or recording secretary shall have the authority to do so.

H.      He shall be bonded by the congregation. 





Section 5. Financial Secretary

The responsibilities of the financial secretary shall be as follows:

A.      The financial secretary shall receive and deposit all contributions from the congregation at least weekly, shall keep an accurate account of the same and deliver a report to the treasurer no later than Monday of each week, indicating the proper accounts to be credited. No less than two persons shall be present at the counting and preparing of all deposits. The Board of Stewardship shall designate additional counters.

B.       He shall keep an accurate record of all receipts.

C.       He shall submit his records for review at any time a committee has been established to review such records or at any time the voters' assembly so desires.

D.      He shall keep an accurate record of all contributions made by members using offering envelopes.  He shall submit to the members a quarterly report of their offerings.

E.       He shall be a member of the Board of Stewardship.

F.       He shall be bonded by the congregation.


Section 6. The Board of Elders

The nature of the duties of this Board requires that only men noted for their Christian knowledge, zeal and experience in the spiritual work of the Kingdom of Christ shall be elected to membership.  The basic objectives of this Board are the spiritual welfare of the pastor(s) and congregation members, individually and corporately, and the supervision of everything pertaining to congregational worship.


The responsibilities of the Elders shall be as follows:

A.      The Board of Elders shall, in general, be responsible for the spiritual well being of the congregation.

B.       It shall insure that doctrine and practice in the church conform to the Word of God and the provisions of the constitution, that regular worship services are conducted in good order, and that assistance is given the pastor in administering the spiritual affairs of the congregation.

C.       It shall give counsel to the pastor in difficult problems of the ministry and see to it that congregational discipline is carried out according to the Word of God.

D.      It shall be responsible for good order and dignity in the worship services. To that end, it shall supervise the ushers and the altar guild, and shall counsel with pastor, Organist, and Choir Director in developing and maintaining meaningful worship services.

E.       It shall prepare annual budget recommendations for those items of the congregation's business for which it is responsible.

F.       It shall diligently call on delinquent members and admonish those neglecting the means of grace and those failing to share in supporting congregational endeavors.

G.       It and the Board of Stewardship shall visit newly received members, and make every effort to integrate them into the life and work of the congregation.

H.      It shall be responsible for pure doctrine in the public preaching and teaching of the church, and in its publications.

I.         It shall be concerned about the temporal welfare of the pastor and his family.  (Salary, rest, vacation, assistance in time of sickness, etc.).

J.        It shall be responsible for all welfare and charity work undertaken by the congregation.

K.      When the need arises for a paid church secretary, the Elders shall review yearly salary and performance of the church secretary and make appropriate recommendations to the voting membership, or, in the case of vacancy, interview and hire a replacement in conjunction with the pastor.

L.       Each Elder shall take spiritual charge and oversight of geographical or familial groupings of members assigned to them and attempt to visit these member families at least once a year.

M.     With the pastor(s), it shall determine acceptance and make a recommendation to council for membership in the


N.      It shall see to prompt transfer of all members who move away or notify any affiliated Soul Conservation organization; and of new Lutheran families moving into the community.

O.      For administrative purposes and program development, it shall supervise the total work of the Ladies and Men’s organizations.





Section 7. The Board of Evangelism

The basic objectives of this Board are to bring the Gospel to the unchurched and the enlistment of all of God’s people in the work of spreading the Gospel.


The responsibilities of the Board of Evangelism shall be as follows:

A.      The Board of Evangelism shall establish and maintain an active program for the congregation to reach out to the neighborhood and the community with the gospel.

B.       It shall assist the pastor in effectively reaching out to the unchurched souls in the community. It shall organize periodic canvasses of the community and promote other kinds of systematic calling programs.

C.       It shall constantly evaluate the congregation as a mission force and seek ways to stimulate the entire congregation into the mighty witness for Christ.

D.      It shall provide evangelism literature and visual aids relating to personal and worldwide mission work.

E.       It shall be responsible for maintenance and follow-up of a prospect file at all times.

F.       It shall be concerned for the reception, orientation, and integration of new members into the congregation and review their progress after six to twelve months.

G.       It shall be conscious of the atmosphere of friendliness in the congregation toward members and visitors and suggest ways and means of improvement.

H.      It shall promote the work that the congregation does together with its fellow congregations as a synod.

I.         It shall prepare annual budget recommendations for those items of the congregation's business for which it is responsible.


Section 8. The Board of Christian Education

The objectives of the Board of Christian Education and the School Board are to plan and administer the educational programs of the congregation, to determine policies, to ensure that the positions are filled for the various agencies, to provide the necessary means and facilities for the agencies, and to direct and supervise the entire educational program of the congregation.


That the objectives of the Board of Christian Education and the School Board may be carried out, the following specific responsibilities are assigned to the Board of Christian Education:

A.      The Board of Christian Education shall be responsible for all educational agencies within the congregation excluding the Lutheran High School, Elementary School and Pre-school.

B.       It shall assist the pastor in supervising the Sunday school, provide for scriptural materials and adequate training staff, promote attendance, and do everything possible to increase the effectiveness of this agency.

C.       It shall encourage youth and adult Bible Study and do all possible to increase the congregation’s participation in organized Bible classes.

D.      It shall encourage the development of further educational agencies within the congregation.

E.       It shall submit regular reports and recommendations to the voters’ assembly for improving Christian Education in the congregation.

F.       It shall establish and maintain a library of books, reference material, and audio-visual aids to aid in the Christian growth of members and to support the congregation’s education programs.

G.       It shall maintain a Sunday school attendance record.

H.      It shall supervise the conduct of called teachers and all other staff of the congregation in the field of education excluding the Lutheran High School, Elementary School and Pre-school.

I.         It shall provide for the professional growth of the educational staff through conferences, conventions, continuing education and the like, and request the necessary funds for the same in the yearly budget.

J.        It shall establish and maintain a permanent file of all children and youth of the congregation by age, grade level, and the like and see to it that a file is kept continually up to date.  Example: Cradle Roll.

K.      It shall annually examine the education facilities and equipment, and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees as to upkeep, repairs and replacements needed as well as new equipment needed.

L.       The Chairman shall be a member of the School Board. 


 Section 9. The School Board

That the objectives of the Board of Christian Education and the School Board may be carried out, the following specific responsibilities are assigned to the School Board:

A.      The School Board shall determine the scope and duties necessary for its called workers and coordinate with the pastor and the voters’ assembly in the calling and staffing of professional teachers.

B.       It shall be concerned about the spiritual, emotional and physical health and welfare of the called teachers and their families.

C.       It shall annually review and make recommendations concerning the adequate compensation of all called teachers on the staff.

D.      It shall be responsible for the ongoing operation of the Lutheran High School, Elementary School and Pre-school.

E.       For administrative purposes and progress development, it shall supervise the work of the Parent-Teacher-Friends Organization(s).

F.       It shall supervise the conduct of called teachers and all other staff of the congregation in the field of education excluding the Sunday school.

G.       It shall provide for the professional growth of the called teachers through conferences, conventions, continuing education and the like, and request the necessary funds for the same in the yearly budget.

H.      It shall annually examine the education facilities and equipment, and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees as to upkeep, repairs, and replacements needed as well as new equipment needed.

I.         The Chairman shall conduct performance reviews of the principal at least annually.

J.        The Chairman shall be a member of the Board of Christian Education.


Section 10. The Board of Trustees

The basic objectives of this Board are the proper maintenance and repair of Church property and the general protection of the congregation against loss or damage of whatever nature.


The responsibilities of the Board of Trustees shall be as follows:

A.      The Board of Trustees shall supervise the repair and upkeep of the congregation's property.

B.       It shall inspect the property annually and make suggestions for improvement of the properties and facilities and see to it that such improvements, when approved by the congregation, are carried out.

C.       It shall prepare annual budget recommendations for those items of the congregation's business for which it is responsible.

D.      It shall be responsible for providing for custodial work and shall supply the necessary equipment and materials.

E.       It shall conduct an annual inventory of all church properties, equipment and supplies, including acquisition date and approximate value of each item.

F.       It shall establish, with the approval of the voters’ assembly, regulations governing the use of church property and equipment.

G.       It shall make and issue keys for the church buildings, and keep and review annually a list of keys issued.

H.      It shall annually check the adequacy of all types of insurance for church property and equipment and negotiate insurance contracts.

I.         It shall arrange for immediate repairs of an emergency nature and all normal repairs and alterations for which budget funds have been allocated.

J.        In the absence of the president or the recording secretary, the Chairman shall have the authority to sign all deeds, mortgages, notes, leases, and all other legal documents directed to be executed by the congregation.


Section 11.  Board of Youth Work

The basic objectives of this Board are to involve the young people of the congregation in the work of Christ, provide for their spiritual growth and nurture, and to promote genuine Christian fellowship for the young people.


The responsibilities of the Board of Youth Work shall be as follows:

A.      The Board of Youth Work shall promote attendance and involvement of the congregation’s youth at all youth activities.

B.       It shall provide for the continuing spiritual growth of the young people of the congregation.

C.       It shall plan and carry out, together with other concerned boards, a year round program for the young people.

D.      It shall actively engage in the selection and training of leaders for the young peoples programs.

E.       It shall plan a special event to welcome the newly eligible young people and invite them to join the young peoples groups.

F.       For administrative purposes and program development, it shall supervise the work of all youth and young adult groups in the congregation.   


Section 12. Board of Public Relations

The basic objectives of this Board are the presentation to the public of a Christian image which will reflect favorably upon the work of Christ and of the congregation as His instrument, publicizing the work of the congregation through various channels and the general integration of the congregation’s work into the life of the community.


The responsibilities of the Board of Public Relations shall be as follows:

A.      The Board of Public Relations shall establish and maintain a continuing program of publicity for the congregation and its commitment to the Gospel of Christ.

B.       It shall maintain the church bulletin boards indoors and outdoors and recommend appropriate messages and themes publication.

C.       It shall work for the overall enhancement of the congregation’s image in the various news media and publications of the community.

D.      It shall work together with the appropriate boards prior to publicity releases.

E.       It shall work together with the Board of Elders and Evangelism in making visitors feel welcome.


Section 13. Board of Stewardship

The basic objectives of this Board are to initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talents, and treasures, to provide for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for the work of Christ’s Kingdom, and to ensure the financial stability of the congregation and its proportionate first fruits giving.


The responsibilities of the Board of Stewardship shall be as follows:

A.      The Board of Stewardship shall use every God-pleasing means to promote a strong stewardship consciousness within the congregation.

B.       It shall seek ways of enlisting the time, talents and treasures of each member for dedicated service to the Lord.

C.       It shall conduct every-member visitation as necessary and advisable.

D.      It shall inform the congregation of the work and needs of our Affiliated Church Bodies as such church bodies are set forth in these Bylaws.

E.       It shall assist in the orientation of new members.

F.       It shall be responsible for maintenance of a congregational talent file and provide for the immediate recording of the talents and abilities of incoming members.

G.       It shall conduct an intensive program annually to encourage every member personally in the use of basic Biblical stewardship principles and practices.

H.      It shall initiate an annual preparation and presentation to the congregation of a God-pleasing work program and recommend a budget for adoption by the voters’ assembly.

I.         It shall review and make recommendation on all offers of non-solicited gifts to the congregation.

J.        It shall annually review the budgeting procedures of the congregation in conjunction with the treasurer and financial secretary and recommend to the congregation any necessary improvements or revisions.


Section 14. Board of Fellowship

The basic objectives of this Board are the strengthening of fellowship between congregation members spiritually and socially, integration of new members into the life of the congregation, and the general upbuilding of mutual cooperation, trust and enjoyment among the members of the congregation. 


The responsibilities of the Board of Fellowship shall be as follows:

A.      The Board of Fellowship shall plan, supervise, and implement larger gatherings of the congregation from time to time throughout the year which will further the goals of the congregation.

B.       It shall maintain constant contact with other administrative boards, both suggesting to them ways of furthering the work of their boards through fellowship and drawing from them requests and suggestions for fellowship activities.

C.       It shall maintain an adequate group of willing workers who will help to plan, coordinate and execute the work necessary to the successful accomplishment of fellowship goals.

D.      It shall provide for the integration of new members and their families into the congregation through periodic fellowship.

E.       It shall plan, supervise, and implement recurring yearly events that will focus attention on the major aspects of the congregation’s work.

F.       It shall receive and approve requests for the use of the congregation’s facilities for wedding receptions, recreational activities and all other activities of whatever nature.  Such items shall be in coordination with the Board of Trustees and the pastor.

G.       It shall develop policies and rules for use of the facilities at the functions sponsored by this Board in conjunction with the Board of Trustees.

H.      It shall maintain and publish a weekly and monthly schedule of activities within the congregation’s facilities and coordinate, approve or disapprove requests for such activities in the best interests of the congregation.

I.         For administrative purposes and program development, it shall supervise the work of Adult Fellowship Groups. 


Section 15. Other Committees

As the need warrants, the president or the respective boards, with the concurrence of the church council, may appoint action groups under themselves, which shall be called committees.


Section 16. Ex Officio Membership

The pastor and president by virtue of their offices are members of all boards and committees and are to be informed of all meetings of all committees so that they may attend if they so desire.



Article V               Election of the Church Officers


Section 1.

A nominating committee of at least three voting members shall be appointed by the president and shall be presented for approval at the August church council meeting. This committee along with the pastor shall endeavor to prepare a list of at least two candidates for each office to be filled. The committee shall consult with such candidates and obtain their approval prior to being placed on the list of nominees. The pastor is an ex officio member of this committee.


Section 2.

The nominating committee shall select from the voting membership a slate of candidates for the vacancies in keeping with the scriptural requirements stated in Article VIII, Section 1 of the constitution. Each candidate shall be informed of the responsibilities of the office to which he is nominated. Consent of each nominee is necessary for candidacy.


Section 3.

The nominating committee shall report to the September and October meetings of the church council the status of selecting the slate of candidates for the October voters’ assembly. The candidates' names shall be published and also posted before the election. Additional recommendations for nominations may be made to the nominating committee through any voting member. The committee shall consider such nominations and take appropriate action.


Section 4.

At the October voters' assembly, the voters shall hear the recommendations of the nominating committee and proceed to elect by ballot. A majority of votes cast shall be necessary for election.









Article VI              Reception into Membership


Section 1.

Persons who wish to be received into membership in this congregation {other than through the sacrament of holy baptism or rite of confirmation} shall bring their request to the attention of the pastor and the Board of Elders. The Board of Elders shall honor the request when accompanied by a letter of transfer, a recommendation from a sister congregation, or a profession of faith, provided that qualifications for membership, as specified in Article V of this Constitution, have been met. Such action of the Board of Elders shall be presented to the church council for approval and reported at the next regular or special meeting of the voters' assembly. Notice of such receptions shall be reported to the entire congregation.


Section 2.

Since reception into membership signifies acceptance of and submission to this Constitution and Bylaws, each individual or family shall be given a copy of the same prior to their reception so that they may become familiar with its provisions.



Article VII            Transfer, Release, or Removal from Membership


Section 1.

Those desiring a transfer or release from membership shall bring their request to the attention of the pastor who shall forward it to the Board of Elders for action at the next church council meeting. Such action shall then be reported at the next regular or special meeting of the voters' assembly.


Section 2.

Transfer of membership shall apply only to those who desire membership in a congregation, which is in agreement with this congregation in doctrine and practice. Release from membership shall apply when affiliation is sought with those denominations not in agreement with this congregation in doctrine and practice.


Section 3.

Members with whom the congregation has been unable to communicate, despite diligent efforts to do so, may be removed from the membership list. Such membership is terminated and shall be reported as such to the next regular meeting of the voters’ assembly. 


Section 4.

Members released, transferred, or removed have no further rights in this congregation and its property.



Article VIII           Affiliated Church Bodies


Beautiful Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church of Grove City, Ohio is currently a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).



Article IX              Repeals and Amendments of the Bylaws


Any and all Bylaws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote of the voting members present at any regular meeting, provided that public notice of this proposed action shall have been given the congregation on at least two different worship dates prior to the time of the meeting and provided that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the church council for its study and recommendation.