We Believe and Teach


. . . that God created people and determined how we should be and live.


. . . that we failed to be what God requires of us, and therefore He has every right to punish us for our sins.


. . . that the Bible is entirely inspired and without error.


. . . that God is merciful and gracious, and therefore He saved us by sending His son, Jesus, into the world to live a holy life and die an innocent death for us.


. . . that we have full pardon for all our sins when we hold to Christ in faith.


. . . that through our second birth by the Holy Spirit we are to live a new life according to God’s direction.


. . . that our purpose in life is to serve God and our neighbor by working faithfully with the talents God gives us.


. . . that Christians should gather regularly to worship our loving God and carry out His command to tell everyone about Jesus.


. . . that when this life is over, a joy-filled life in heaven awaits those who die believing in Jesus.